High Blood Pressure ( BP ) In Pregnancy And How It Badly Affects The Health Of Pregnant Mother And Child
High Blood Pressure ( BP ) In Pregnancy And How It Badly Affects The Health Of Pregnant Mother And Child
My Gynaecology World has an expert team of doctors including experienced Gynaecologists, up-to date Physicians and Intensivists , Peadiatricians and Neonatologists which are backed by state of the art attached hospitals having ICU ( Intensive Care Unit ) and NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit ) along with Blood Bank facilities
People from following locations of Navi Mumbai can approach us for Gynaecology related advise
-High blood pressure –BP ( PIH- Pregnancy Induced Hypertension)s affects
the health of both pregnant mother
and the unborn child adversely.
-Medical management like medicines, rest, hospitalization
and regular visit to the Gynaecologist will help in controlling PIH- pregnancy related
high BP in most of the cases.
-This article will provide an insight into the
complications that are associated with this clinical condition which happen if medical advice is not
followed and hypertension becomes uncontrolled.
-One needs to understand that in severe disease, unfortunately
complications occur in spite of best and regular medical treatment of PIH-
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension.
-Another pointer to understand is that in any one
particular patient only one of the following or a combination of the complications may be
The topic is written in easy language and terminology is
such that the information provided will be useful to a large number of people.
However medical terminology is inseparable part of this article. To make
understanding simpler ( ) are used for medical terminology
The organs and systems get affected in many ways
Swelling of the
brain( Cerebral edema)
Clinically the
symptoms are
-Headache- which will not get OK by taking painkiller
-Blurred vision
In late stages
-Fits(Eclampsia)- This is a dangerous clinical situation.
It may be associated with significant brain injury and dysfunction.
Changes in brain
at structural level include bleeding (Hemorrhage), Blockage of blood supply
(Infarction), Decreased blood flow (Ischemia), shrinkage of blood vessels
These patients are prone to sudden increase in BP which
may worsen their condition further
like CT Scan or MRI will show following features
-Swelling (Edema) of the brain
-Fluid channels of brain get blocked (Obliteration of
central ventricles)
-Brain matter will come out( herniate) through
its coverings-life threatening (Transtentorial herniation)
Woman will
complain of
-Seeing black spots before eyes (Scotomata)
-Seeing things as double (Diplopia)
-Blindness- in
most cases it will last for 4 hours to up to 8 days. It is reversible. The
dysfunction occurs in brain where centre for vision lies.
In some cases partial or total blindness persists.
Eyeball changes
-Inner lining of eyeball gets disrupted (Retinal
detachment)-one more reason of blindness
-Blood supply to eyeball is stopped retinal artery occlusion)- causes permanent
-There may be bleeding inside the liver (Periportal
-Blood may collect below its capsule( Subcapsular
-There may be rupture of liver with dire consequences
Clinically patient
presents as
-Pain in upper abdomen
investigation for liver function will reveal raised liver enzymes (
complications are associated with higher death rate of pregnant woman (maternal
In rare cases
liver transplantation only will save the life of the woman
syndrome is associated with liver disorders (Hepatocellular necrosis)
H (Hemolysis) EL ( Elevated Liver enzymes) ,LP (Low Platelets count)
Patient suffering from this complication will require
intensive care and may have prolonged recovery time
-Blood supply to the kidneys ( Renal perfusion ) and its
filtration process , both are reduced
-Factors like
blood loss, redirection of the blood to more vital organs like brain,
increased blood pressure leading to widespread contraction of blood vessels (
Vasospasm) are responsible for it.
-On microscopic level basic functional units of kidney
like Glomeruli and Tubules are damaged.
Kidneys secrete many harmful substances of body through
urine. Consequences of decreased kidney
functions are many –
-Urine output is decreased
-Blood levels of Creatinine, Uric acid and Calcium rise
The accumulated toxic substances in blood will eventually
affect the mental status of the patient and she will appear dull and lethargic
platelet count (Thrombocytopenia-Platelet is a component of blood)
-The normal platelet count is 1.5-4-5 Lakh / ml.
-Platelets play a very important role in stopping the
flow of blood at the site of injury or bleeding.
-During delivery or Caesarean section the amount of bleeding
is more if platelet count is less and it puts the life of mother in danger.
-If serial monitoring of blood shows decreasing trend of
platelet count, it becomes an indication for delivery
-After delivery recovery of platelets will take 2-5 days
Destruction of
blood (Hemolysis)
-In high BP pregnant
patients the lining of small blood vessels gets damaged.
-Platelets and fibrin (blood component) get deposited on
these sites to seal these sites.
-Blood corpuscles get damaged while passing through these
-Destruction of blood will lead to fall in Hemoglobin level
-Microscopic slide examination of blood will show
abnormal Red Blood Corpuscles (RBC)
like (Schizocytosis,Spherocytosis,Reticulocytosis).
Blood clotting
(Coagulation) changes
-There is widespread blood clotting and blood destruction
happening at multi-organ level in these patients.
-As a result blood levels of clotting factors are
deranged .
-The tests which are abnormal include- PT- Prothronbin
Time, PTT-Partial Thromboplastin Time,Fibronectin, D-Dimers, Factor VIII,
Fibrinogen etc
Heart is made up of two types of chambers
Contractile chambers to push blood out into the
system-Ventricles –They are two in numbers, left and right
Receptive chambers to receive blood from the
system- Atrium- They are also two in numbers, left and right
When BP is high the ventricles will need to work against
more resistance. As a result their muscle mass increases (Ventricular
hypertrophy). Their lumen gets diminished in size. The final result is that
fluid accumulates in lungs( Pulmonary Edema)-leading to difficulty in
breathing( Respiratory distress). It also results in accumulation of fluid in
the body (Edema)
There are other factors too which will lead to
accumulation of fluid in the lungs like injury to the lining of breathing units
There may be accumulation of fluid in lungs (Pulmonary
Patient may have difficulty in breathing and at times may
require ventilator support ( ARDS-Acute
Respiratory Distress Syndrome)
unit’s blood supply
(Utero-placental perfusion)
-Uterine artery is the main blood vessel supplying uterus
and in turn to placenta and growing baby(fetus)
-In normal pregnancy the uterus and placenta allow
uterine artery to supply extra blood to it for healthy growth of baby (fetus)
-In cases of high BP, both uterus and placenta will
resist this extra supply, resulting in less
blood available to baby (utero-placental insufficiency) which will lead to low birth weight of newborn (IUGR-
Intra Uterine Growth Retardation)
-At times water
around baby also becomes less (Oligohydramnios)
-This compromised placenta
sometimes separates from its attachment to uterus prematurely, even when
patient is not in labor (Abruptio Placentae). This will lead to bleeding (Ante
Partum Hemorrhage) putting life of both mother and baby in danger (Maternal mortality and IUFD-Intra Uterine
Fetal Death)
-Preterm birth-
at times it becomes necessary to deliver the pregnant woman even before her 9
months are not complete. This kind of decision is taken if all the medical
management including tablets to control the BP, rest at home or even
hospitalizations are failing to control the high BP of pregnancy (PIH-Pregnancy
Induced Hypertension )
Note from
Expert and timely medical care and patient’s compliance
towards taking medicines and regular check up with prescribed investigations
has improved the outlook in most of the
cases . In urban settings where the
facility for ICU- Intensive Care Unit,NICU-Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for the
newborn and blood banks are available, both mother and child have a good
Rural areas which are yet to have these facilities have a
scope for improvement towards ‘Healthy Mother-Healthy Child’ initiative
Watch our video on YouTube for further insight
-Kharghar,Kamothe,Kalamboli,Panvel,Road Pali,CBD Belapur,Seawoods,Nerul,Vashi, Sanpada, Juinagar, Khanda Colony, Taloja
To know more log on to our website-www.mygynaecworld.com
Dr Himani Gupta
Ph +91-7506027299
+91- 9820193283
Web- www.mygynaecworld.com
Mother ‘n’ Care Clinic
Shri Row House-F 44/30
Near Shivaji Chowk
Sector 12-Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
High Blood Pressure ( BP ) In Pregnancy And How It Badly Affects The Health Of Pregnant Mother And Child
Reviewed by Dr Himani Gupta,Gynecologist,Kharghar,Navi Mumbai

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