Pregnancy is a period of joy and expectation for any
woman and her family. It is a heart
breaking situation for any Gynaecologist when the news has to be broken that
the baby is no longer alive in the uterus or the mother has given birth to a
dead child .
This is a complicated scientific topic. Gynaecologists
who treat such cases require compilation of all their knowledge and experience
to evaluate the woman, whether she is pregnant right now or if she comes with
history of previous stillbirth and is planning to conceive in near future.
In this write up, first we will deal with the scientific
definition of Stillbirth. It’s division into three categories- Early,
Intermediate & late. Causes & risk factors of stillbirth. Evaluation of
stillbirth and finally its management aspect
Terms used in this topic
Fetus means- the child developing inside uterus
Gestation age -refers to the duration of pregnancy in
Fetal death/ fetal mortality -is the term used to
describe unfavorable outcome of pregnancy irrespective of duration of pregnancy
(gestation age)
Stillbirth- is the term generally used by laymen when
death of fetus occurs late in pregnancy
Definition of fetal mortality- Sillbirth
Fetal death means death, prior to complete expulsion or
extraction from the mother of a product of human conception irrespective of the
duration of pregnancy and which is not an induced termination of pregnancy.
The death is indicated by the fact that after such
expulsion or extraction the fetus does not breathe or show any other evidence
of life such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord or
definitive movement of the voluntary muscles.
Fetal mortality is generally divided into three periods
-Early- less than 20 completed weeks of gestation
20-27 weeks
-Late – 28 weeks or more
In due course of the discussion of this topic, many
causes (Clinical Situations) of Stillbirth will be discussed. Some of them are
responsible for fetal mortality in all three periods of gestation. At the same
time, for any case of fetal death, many factors may be responsible.
Many clinical entities are a topic of discussions in
themselves hence they will be presented in only simplified and concise manner
83 % of stillbirths occur before the start of labor
pains- Antepartum stillbirths
abnormalities- mainly utero-placental insufficiency
Placenta is the structure which is attached to the uterus
and supplies food and oxygen to the fetus through umbilical cord. It gets its
supplies from the mother. Various factors lead to its insufficient working.
In this clinical entity placenta gets detached from its attachment
to uterus. This results in stoppage of blood supply to the fetus and fetal
death occurs.
2)Umbilical cord
During labor (Birthing Process ) when cervix (mouth of uterus) is dilating, at
times the umbilical cord comes out of it before the fetal head is born . This
leads to compression of cord between fetal head and maternal bones of pelvis.
There is cessation of blood supply to the baby and fetal mortality occurs
-Stricture –
This is structural abnormality of umbilical cord in which shrinkage of cord
occurs at some point & cessation of blood supply occurs.
-Thrombosis –
Clotting of blood occurs in the blood vessels of umbilical cord & blood
flow to baby is hampered
3) Fetal Causes
When lady is pregnant with more than one fetus. Commonly
encountered situations are Twins- 2 fetus, Triplet-3 fetus, Quadruplet-4 fetus
There are certain genetic abnormalities which result in
major structural abnormalities in the fetus. These abnormalities are
incompatible with life.
disorders –
-Pre Eclampsia
- High BP which results as a complication of pregnancy
Hypertension – When mother is suffering from high BP and she becomes
Diabetes in
Embryopathy- Fetus of a diabetic mother is more prone to have certain
congenital structural malformations. Some of them are lethal
ketoacidosis- Diabetic mother can develop this metabolic dysfunction. Blood
sugar levels are high and insulin levels are low. Maternal cells are unable to
utilize this sugar. This is a life-threatening situation for both mother and
5) Obstetrics complications
Preterm labor
If pregnant woman goes in labor and delivers prematurely
before the fetus has reached term and is capable of surviving independently.
Prelabor Rupture Of Membranes-PPROM-
Amniotic membranes make up Amniotic sac which is a
covering around growing fetus to keep it safe inside uterus. If these membranes
get broken due to some reason, Amniotic fluid (Fluid around fetus) gets drained
resulting into Umbilical cord getting compressed between walls of uterus and
fetus. This results in cessation of Oxygen supply to the fetus and ultimately
fetal demise.
There are certain infections involving fetus and placenta
which will lead to fetal death.
Gynaecologists come to know about these risk factors
either during examination or history taking. When one or more of these risk
factors are present, vigilance on part of both patient and doctor is required.
-Maternal age-
35-39 years, more than 40 years
-Drug abuse
-Obesity- BMI
(Body Mass Index- weight of person vs height) 25-29.9, more than 30
Artificial Reproductive Techniques- if pregnancy is the result of fertility
treatment- example- IVF- In Vitro Fertilization, ICSI- Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm
Injection etc
-Previous history
of adverse outcome
Preterm birth
Growth retarded
(Jaundice) of pregnancy
Why is it
Necessary-Aims & Objectives
-It is beneficial for maternal psychological adaptation
to a significant loss. She is grieving and may be thinking of herself as
-Risk of recurrence can be judged and appropriate
counseling and therapy offered
-There are certain inherited ( genetic ) disorders and
identification of these syndromes will provide useful information for other
family members
How is it done
1)Evaluation of fetus
Appropriate consent of parents is required
before carrying out many of these processes
-History taking in detail of pregnancy events
-Clinical examination at the time of birth-It is found
that up to 35% of stillborns have major structural anomalies. Some have
Dysmorphic features (Distorted facial structure). Some may have skeletal (
bone) abnormalities. Weight, head circumference and length of fetus is also
-Photograph taking from different angles
-Fetogram-Full radiograph of fetus (X-Ray) of fetus
-Examination of
Placenta along
with its weight
Umbilical cord
Karyotyping reveals chromosomal (genetic material)
abnormalities in the fetus
Sample required-
-3 ml of fetal blood is drawn from Umbilical blood
vessels or direct Cardiac (Heart ) puncture & is put in sterile heparinized
If blood is not obtained, other fetal tissues that can be
sent in either Ringer Lactate (RL) solution or special cytogenetic solution are-
-Placental block of dimension 1 X 1 cm to be taken from
the site, below the cord insertion
-Umbilical cord segment – 1.5 cm long
-Internal fetal tissue sample- Costochondral junction (Soft
tissue which binds rib with Sternum-Bone in the middle of the chest), Patella-
Knee cap
-These samples are to be stored at room temperature
-A full fetal karyotype may not be possible in cases with
prolonged fetal death (Maceration)
-Skin is no longer recommended as tissue sample
-Placement of sample within Formalin or alcohol will kill
remaining viable cells and will prevent chromosomal testing
Stillborn's autopsy-
MRI- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
USG- Ultrasound
The event of stillbirth is traumatic for mother & her
family. She is at increased risk of mental depression. Regular visit to the
Gynecologist is advised.
Preconceptional or
initial prenatal visit
-Detailed medical and obstetrical history -There are
certain risk factors which are modifiable like hypertension and diabetes.
Pregnant woman may have it at the time of diagnosis of pregnancy or there may
be a history that she had these conditions at the time of that pregnancy which
resulted in stillbirth. Specific management protocols are in place for managing
these conditions
-Evaluation and workup of previous stillbirth- Bad Obstetrics History (BOH)
-Determination of recurrence risk
-Smoking cessation
-Weight loss in obese women (preconceptional only)
-Genetic counseling if family genetic condition exists
-Thrombophilia (Increased tendency of blood to clot) work
up – antiphospholipid antibodies, along with Lupus anticoagulant
-Support and reassurance
First Trimester-
Weeks 1-12
Dating ultrasonography- to confirm live pregnancy and
expected due date
First trimester screen (Double
Marker )- Blood tests include-PAPP-A- Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein -A
&Beta HCG- Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin along with sonography for specific fetal features. These are Nuchal Transluscency (NT) which is thickness of nape of neck in
millimeters & Nasal Bone (NB) presence
Second Trimester-Weeks
Fetal ultrasonographic anatomic survey-2 D, 3 D, at 18-20
weeks of gestation
Maternal blood tests- Quadruple or single marker alpha fetoprotein if first
trimester screening is not done .These tests are risk estimation for genetic
Third Trimester-Weeks
Ultrasonographic screening for fetal growth restriction
after 28 weeks if there is history of previous low birth weight baby
Fetal Kick counts monitoring-starting at 28 weeks
-Delivery -at 39 weeks or earlier is recommended. It can
be an induced labor or Caesarean delivery depending on the clinical assessment
of mother and fetus at that time.
Reviewed by Dr Himani Gupta,Gynecologist,Kharghar,Navi Mumbai

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