Monsoon Fever


My Gynaec World and its team of associated doctors continuously make efforts to spread awareness about common relevant topics among doctors and patients. In association with Impact Pathology & Diagnostic Center ,Kharghar, at its conference hall, a lecture on Monsoon Fever for practicing doctors of the Kharghar,Navi Mumbai was conducted by eminent physician Dr Mahesh Padsalge. There were beneficial insights on how to diagnose the cause of fever ( Dengue, Malaria,Viral hepatitis,Leptospirosis), its OPD management, medicinal aspect and when to transfer the patient to hospital if warning signs appear. Dr B N Gorad, Director of Impact group has taken this initiative to have such seminars and lectures conducted on regular basis.

Dr Himani Gupta
Gynaecologist from Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
Director- My Gynaec World
Ph- 7506027299

Monsoon Fever Monsoon Fever Reviewed by Dr Himani Gupta,Gynecologist,Kharghar,Navi Mumbai on 22:14 Rating: 5

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