Today we will learn, what is the
basis of Garbh Sanskaar and together we will discover that it is an opportunity
for making a great relationship
Let us begin at the very beginning and
answer this fundamental question
Why marriage
-I am quoting Sadhguru here from
one of his articles regarding marriage
“As a human being you have physical
needs, emotional needs, psychological needs, social and economic needs. People
may not want to consciously think about these things because they think their
marriage will become ugly if they do. But these needs and considerations do
-If you recognize that these are my
needs and I am getting into marriage, you will enter marriage in a way of
offering and not extracting, then only something beautiful is possible.
Maybe none of you are having
difficulty in your marriage and many are leading a great life. Maybe what you
learn here today will help your brother sister, your friends and they will walk
this path in their life
Now we will answer -Why children
If I give you a pen and paper to
write the reasons for wanting to become a parent.
Will you not agree then that in
most of your reasons the word I predominates.
I want to become a mother for
so and so reason.
I want to become a father or
so and so reason.
How many would have written a
reason which is beyond this, I
The same needs which go true for
marriage also are true for child bearing too. We must identify this I
factor and change our way of thinking.
Why should we do that I am coming
to it when I discuss with you
Life span of child
Please understand that when a child
is born into a family, when you have created a human being on this planet
This human being is going to walk
this earth for the next at least 75 years or maybe up to hundred years.
Considering improved medical
facilities of today's time.
Having understood the profoundness
of life span of this child let us see the role of foundation for the next
75-100 years
Importance of foundation work
I am sure that all of you know it
for a fact that whenever a tall building or a skyscraper is planned,
considerable amount of time is spent in planning and foundation work.
Then only exterior work is started.
The point is that the makers put
enough effort and time in visualizing the structure and all the hardships that
this structure will have to stand in next so many years.
All the thunderstorms, sand storms,
rains, windspeed all the realities of mother nature are thought of well in
advance and safety measures are taken so that this building stands tall.
Similarly, this Foundation work
that we want to do here for the child is very important.
Work on creators than on creation
And who are the people who are the
Foundation for this child.
It is us principally the mother and
Now consider one more scenario,
The foundation is very well laid.
But instead of using this good
foundation for building a great building, creators started throwing garbage on
And it continued for next 10
Do you think that it would still
make a great residential or commercial place?
Would people spend any money to own
an apartment or shop in such building just because the foundation is good?
Here is a similarity.
The child arrives with good
But on arrival child also needs to
be nurtured with consistency with example and role modelling.
Herein lies the importance of
bringing harmony between husband and wife.
It is their prime duty that their
relationship is great, is healthy, and is an example.
The way a great building requires
monthly and yearly maintenance. The same way not just when the baby is in the
womb but even after arrival and in the growing up years the role of parents is
a paramount.
All of you must have heard of this
great building Burj Khalifa, some of you may have even visited it.
Now,We cannot have the Foundation
of Burj Khalifa and building of a garbage dump
Can we.
We want that our child should stand
tall and walk this world.
Face all the realities with
To make this happen, all the credit
goes to parents, teachers & mentors.
Motherhood vs Fatherhood
Let me tell you now, that on one
hand Motherhood is natural and on the other hand.
-Fatherhood has to be taught.
Child needs to be shown who is the
This relationship needs to be
-I appreciate father’s role as
nothing is happening to their bodies, still they give full support to mother,
even after a hard day at work
-Fatherhood should be created, both
for the father as well as child.
-Mother must introduce the father
to child saying that your father loves you very much, he is waiting eagerly for
you to arrive, he wants to play with you, you are the gem of his eyes.
Here is one more pointer for the
new mother
-After the birth of the child also,
role of a wife toward husband should not be completely forgotten.
-You must remember- first there
were two of you and then came child, most likely not the other way around. At
least not in Indian scenario so far by and large
Positive conducive environment with In laws, relatives
Now,I would like to explain the
importance of inner circle.
They are the people with whom
mother lives 24 by 7.
For a pregnant woman, this is most
likely her husband’s family, her in -laws.
It is said that the people who are
closest to us can hurt us most and even heal us most.
Here I would stress the point that
during the time of pregnancy and delivery mother is most vulnerable.
Husband is working and is not at
home during the daytime, it may be the in -laws who are doing most of the work
If any conflict is arising in the
inner circle of the wife, husband may have to talk to both his parents so that
wife is supported.
Anyways before delivery the wife is
in the husband’s house only.
Great relationship with relatives,
especially in -laws is of utmost priority.
It is a fact that everyone wants to
be loved.
Peace and harmony at home is very
important, at times it may be that mother is unable to say few things but
inside she is exploding. If that is the case then also this negativity will
impact the child.
On another side of coin I have also
seen mother being looked after so well at her marital house that is it is
an example for everyone.
Reality vs theory
All the mantras, religious
teachings, chantings have deep meaning.
They produce good vibrations and
bring positivity to the environment.
Will it not be a good experience if
you knew their meaning too before saying them to the child.
Explain the meaning to the child.
One such example can be that ‘Aap
Bhi Maryada Purushottam Ram Banenge’
Now, explain what this great
message means.
And so on and so forth.
Many a times it is seen that the
chantings are in Sanskrit and probably you also don't know their meaning.
In the womb child is hearing this
But when child is born the language
he or she will hear is different.
There is a chance that child will
lose contact with what is learnt subconsciously and the real world.
Also consider one more scenario.
Child is born very brilliant.
And the moment child has learnt to
May question what is the meaning of
all this.
Will it not give you great joy to
explain everything in detail to the child.
So, align Yourself from the
Positive affirmations are very good
and empowers the child so that child is able to deal with practical challenges
of life.
If any meaningful activity is done consciously
and with awareness it will have 10 times more impact.
Now, I want every couple to invest
a couple of minutes every day in this activity.
Sit, facing each other, now, mother
should say good things about father to the baby in womb and vice versa
This activity strengthens the bond
between parents to be.
At the same time it is an
opportunity for them to notice that ,are there any points when one thinks that
what one is saying is not completely true.
Don't worry so much.
All of us are learning.
There is no need to feel
You can always work on the
relationship and improve it.
When we are teaching our child if
we find that Maths is weak we will work on Maths.
If we find that Physics is weak wont,
we work on it.
Same is with life, work on it.
Learn to say ‘NO’
I will now explain the power of no.
-Stop all exposure to negative
things in your life immediately- social media, news even people.
-Filter and use your wisdom to
judge which people to talk to and whom to avoid.
-Do not get burdened by other
people’s mistakes and misfortune tales
-Learn to say ‘No’ to negative
people’s company, social gatherings or simply walk off.
-Say no to scary movies, shows-
your mind may be able to brush off the horrors of it, but a child once
terrified inside womb by scary noises or mother’s reaction, doesn’t know, how
to handle himself.
There is one more aspect, on one
hand we are bringing all the positive things for the child and on another hand,
we are burning the soul with these negative things.
We must choose wisely ,how we spend
our day.
One example will clarify all your
Supposing I made a very good kheer.
Put lots of dry fruits and good
stuff into it.
And then I put one drop of Cyanide.
Can I have it?
Despite all the goodness of other
ingredients it is still inedible.
-You will do well if you start
visualizing the end result of every activity that anyone asks you to do.
Children will learn by observing
Now we will look into one more
aspect- how children learn.
Let me take this opportunity to
assert that Children learn by observing.
How many of you have never faced
any difficulty in life.
-Life graph is always up and down-
never a straight line.
-All of us went through our fair
share of difficulties, now is the time to pledge that we would invest our time
and energy into learning art of parenting.
-Let us create what I want the
child to create for two people- child and me.
-If parents sail through all ups
and downs of life, together and with a smile, without blaming, shouting at each
other, making compromises for each other, this is what the child will also
learn. When he/ she is faced with their own difficulties, they will have their
own strong memories about how to deal with it.
- You must decide, what it is that you
want to teach your children- Patience, calmness, bravery, adjustment,
happiness, responsibility
-Irritability, anger, shouting,
blame game.
-Empower child to take the baton
forward in more meaningful and powerful way then you have been able to do
Remove all drops of Cyanide from
your beautiful kheer
Love in family
We must also discuss what is the
importance of love in family.
Some realities of outside world.
-If love is not present in the
family, it will be sought outside. When an outsider touches our child, we don’t
know the intention behind. Most likely than not the intention is physical only
-Neither a boy nor a girl is safe
in today’s society.
-Child should find acceptance and
openness within family for his thoughts likings and dislikings.
Place of delivery
Let me take this opportunity and
discuss with you the factors which should decide the place of delivery.
Usually there are two choices for the pregnant
woman, either the marital home or her parents’ place.
As a responsible gynaecologist I
would like to say that delivery should happen at a place where mother is most
comfortable, where the medical facilities are best and she is well taken care
Family’s comfort, doctor's advice,
psychological comfort all should be taken into consideration before deciding
place of delivery.
Available maternal leaves should be
used judiciously for complete pre and post-delivery care.
Psychological wellbeing of mother
-I want to tell you now that Psychological
wellbeing of mother has direct impact on physical wellbeing & it’s a proven
scientific fact.
If the duration of pregnancy, event
of delivery and exclusive breastfeeding time has been a pleasant experience for
the mother It is seen that she will bounce back very fast.
Her recovery is good and she is
able to join her duties, if she is a working mother with energy, vitality and
If Reverse is the case and the
event has been traumatic for her, she may take a long time to recover as those
scars will take a long time to heal.
All of you must take a pledge
with me that Mansaa- Vaacha -Karmana- I will only support and never hurt.
By my thoughts by my
language and by my deeds I will only love and cherish.
We have decided to bring a powerful
soul now on this earth creating a human being for next 75 years or more.
Your Gynecologist whether it is me
or anyone else will always be a great support to you.
Concluding my narrative I
would say that we must invest our time, energy and money into learning art
of parenting
We must identify a mentor for ourselves
and for our child and be under guidance.
Trust me this changes life.
I acknowledge my Guru & mentor
Dr Neel who is a world-renowned Psychologist from Kharghar, Navi Mumbai &
most humble and finest human being that I have known.
Under his expert guidance this
module has been developed.
Dr Himani Gupta
Gynaecologist & Obstetrician
Mother ‘n’ Care Clinic &
My Gynaec World
Address: -
Row House, F- 44/32
First Floor, Near Shivaji Chowk
Sector -12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra-Pin 410210
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